"Good leaders must first become good servants."
- Robert Greenleaf
Opportunities for Those in Parish Leadership
...such as:
- The Spirituality of Ministry
- The Spirituality of Leadership
- The Whys and Whats of a Welcoming Parish
- 36 Ways to Be A Welcoming Parish
- Called to Leadership: Mirroring the Ministry of Jesus (Parish Leaders)
- Myers Briggs for Parish Staffs
- Ministering as a Mission-Focused Parish Staff
- A New Year: As a Community in Mission
- Parish Staffs: Called to Welcoming and Caring
- Balanced or Lopsided: Where Are You?
- Renew and Rejoice Retreat (Catechetical Leaders)
- The Catechumenate as a Model for ALL Catechesis
- With Incredible Gratitude: Sharing the Fire in Our Hearts
(Catechetical Leaders)
- Called Together as Leaders: Ministering as One, Leading Our

Eucharistic Community (Parish Council-Commissions)
- The Journey Through Skill to Conversion (Liturgical Ministers)
- Gathered Faithfully, Serving Lovingly, Responding Always Anew
(Liturgical Ministers)
- Servant Leadership: The World Might Not Connect These

Words; Jesus Does (Parish Council and Commissions)
- Called to Servant Leadership (nurses; parish staff, etc.)
- Dreaming and Planning: Through the Lens of Excellent Parishes
(Parish Council and Commissions)
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective Education Commissions
- Called to Pastoral Leadership (Parish Councils)
- The Call to Leadership: Gifts and Time for Others
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective Leaders
- Living Jesus' Call: Wow! What a Ride
- Evangelization: Who We Are
- Our Wondrous Everyday Moments: Lives and Ministries Saturated by God’s Presence (Catechetical Leaders)
- Called to Ministry, Called to Serve
- Self-Care: Living the Full Life
- Being Hospitable While Maintaining Your Balance
- Finding Peace in a Hectic and Busy World